Nominations for PSSAM's 2024 Superintendent of the Year Award are open for submissions. All nominations must be received by October 11th, 2023 to be considered.
PRESS RELEASE: Nominations for PSSAM's 2024 Superintendent of the Year Award are open for submissions. All nominations must be received by October 11th, 2023 to be considered.
Who can make a nomination?
Superintendents can submit themselves for consideration or be nominated by a school district employee, board member, or community partner with the consent of the superintendent. It is not necessary for the superintendent to complete the application at the time of nomination; however, they must indicate they are aware and supportive of the nomination.
How can nominations be submitted?
Nominations can be submitted to the Executive Director of PSSAM (Mary Pat Fannon) by email at and need only consist of the nominee’s name. Nominations will be kept confidential. PSSAM's Executive Director will confirm the superintendent’s acceptance of the nomination.
What is the selection criteria for Superintendent of the Year?
The selection criteria are aligned with the AASA Superintendent of the Year application. Each nominee will be judged on the following criteria:
Leadership for Learning: Creativity in successfully meeting the needs of students in his or her school system.
Communication: Strength in both personal and organizational communication.
Professionalism: Constant improvement of administrative knowledge and skills while providing professional development opportunities and motivation to others on the education team.
Community Involvement: Active participation in local community activities and an understanding of regional, national, and international issues.
Each applicant will provide examples of significant contributions and evidence of attainment of these criteria for their nominee.
What are the eligibility criteria for nominees?
The superintendent must have completed a minimum of three years as a superintendent in Maryland (including their time as a Maryland interim superintendent, if applicable). Experience does not have to be in the same district. Prior awardees are ineligible.
Who is on the selection committee?
The committee shall consist of previous recipients of the Maryland Superintendent of the Year Award who still are active in their roles in Maryland school districts. The 2024 selection committee will include: Dr. Patty Saelens, Dr. Michael Martirano, Dr. Karen Couch, and Dr. John Gaddis.
What is the selection timeline?
September 1, 2023: Nomination announcements distributed. Nominations will be accepted on a rolling basis and directed to the Executive Director up until the deadline.
October 11, 2023: Deadline for nominations.
Week of October 16, 2023: The selection committee will review applications, interview nominees, notify all nominees of their status, and select a candidate.
November 1, 2023: Deadline for Maryland winner to complete the AASA National Superintendent of the Year application (the Maryland and national applications are aligned).
November 2, 2023: The Maryland State Superintendent of the Year will be announced at the annual Maryland Negotiating Services (MNS) Fall Conference and PSSAM Retreat, which will be hosted at Ashore Hotel in Ocean City (Note: MNS is an affiliate of PSSAM)
December 2023: AASA National Superintendent of the Year finalists will be notified.
January 2024: Four national finalists will participate in a national briefing and interviews at the National Press Club
February 2024: The National Superintendent of the Year will be announced. All State Superintendents of the Year will be honored on stage at the AASA National Conference on Education (San Diego).
For any questions regarding the nomination process, please contact Mary Pat Fannon (Executive Director of PSSAM) at